5 Reasons Reading Ability Is Declining

Picture of Nancy Joyce

Nancy Joyce


Sad Child

There are several factors that have historically been associated with declining reading scores in the US:


Socioeconomic factors :  Children from low-income families often face educational disadvantages, including limited access to books, resource inequality early childhood education. These factors can hinder their reading development.


Limited literacy exposure: Insufficient exposure to language and literacy in early childhood can impact reading abilities. Children who have limited access to books, few interactions with adults who engage in reading activities, or limited exposure to spoken language may experience challenges in reading.


Screen time and digital distractions: The prevalence of electronic devices and screen time can potentially reduce the amount of time children spend reading books. Over-reliance on digital media may affect reading habits and impact reading comprehension.


Curriculum and teaching approaches: Different instructional methods and curriculum choices may impact reading scores. Educational approaches that do not effectively address the needs of diverse learners or provide sufficient reading instruction may contribute to declining scores.


Lack of parental involvementParental involvement and support in a child’s reading development can play a crucial role. Limited parental engagement in reading activities or a lack of emphasis on literacy at home can impact a child’s reading skills.

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